Treatments for Hay Fever

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Following a recent patient enquiry, the doctors have been considering the management of hayfever with a yearly injection.  Although this was an acceptable treatment for hayfever several years ago the evidence is now lacking and there is significant risk of side-effects.

National Guidance does not endorse the steroid injection  – instead it advises steroid nasal sprays. These  do not always work immediately but once they are working are very effective in the management of hay fever. There is the option of buying a steroid nasal spray over the counter or having one prescribed for you.

The steroid nasal spray can be used in conjunction with tablet antihistamines and eye drops.

Steroid tablets maybe used as a very short term acute treatment but regularly taking steroid tablets would risk side-effects such as bone thinning, stomach ulceration and glandular changes.

  We would recommend using a steroid nasal spray for ongoing hayfever management

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