Practice Staff


Dr Josephine Hewson, MBChB, DRCOG, DPD

Qualified – Dundee University 1997

Dr Gareth Smith MBBS PG Clin ED

Qualified – The University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2010
Gareth joined the practice in April 2016.

His other role is as a GP lecturer for Cumbria (Newcastle University) . Gareth has an interest in medical education and therefore the practice is heavily involved in undergraduate teaching.

Dr Ruth Pearce MBBS London 1986, PGCME Leeds 2012, FRCGP 2018

Dr Pearce joined the practice in April 2018 as a retained GP. She qualified at St Mary’s Hospital in London in 1986. She previously worked as a GP partner in North Yorkshire for 23 years. She became a fellow of the Royal College of GPs in May 2018.

Dr James Knox, MBBS, BSc (Hons), MRCGP

Qualified Hull-York Medical School 2015.

Dr James Cam

Dr Helen Reid

All partners have passed the Royal College of General Practitioners exam.


Debra Williams, Practice Nurse

Emma Smith, Practice Nurse

Patients should book appointments with the nurses for chronic disease monitoring and reviews such as Asthma, COPD and Diabetes, contraceptive pill checks, hypertension monitoring and cervical screening, baby vaccinations, wound care, suture removal, leg ulcer care, and injections.

GP Assistants

Molly Harrison

Molly is also a student nurse.

Isobella Whipps

Patients can book appointments with Molly and Izzy for blood tests, hypertension monitoring, (blood pressure), and diabetes 1 checks

Please ask the receptionist when booking appointments so they can guide you to make your appointment with the most suitable person. This may save you a wasted journey as not all nursing staff carry out exactly the same roles within the practice.

Administration and Dispensary Team

Our ancillary staff are very important for the smooth functioning of the practice. Their job is demanding and your consideration, support and courtesy are appreciated.

Practice Manager

Mrs Joanne Paisley

Primary Health Care Team

We also work closely with the primary health care team. Non-urgent messages can be left for them at the surgery but if urgent it is usually best to contact them directly.

District Nurses

We work closely with a team of District Nurses who help us to look after people in our area. They come to the surgery to pick up messages every day if you need to contact them urgently ask at reception and we can contact them directly. For urgent messages, phone 016973 41827 to speak directly to them. Messages can also be left on their answer machine 016973 66607

Health Visitors

The Health Visitors help with child health.  They run clinics at Wigton Surgery, the times of these vary.  If you need to contact them directly, their contact number is 016973 66608.

MacMillan Nurse
We work with a MacMillan Nurse who helps with the care of people with cancer and other serious illnesses.

Community Psychiatry
Our local centre for community psychiatry services is The Brookside Centre, Wigton. Messages can be left for the Community Psychiatric Nurse on 01228 602099.
We also have trained counsellors, they see patients in the practice who have been referred by the Doctor.

Foot Care
All diabetic patients will be offered annual foot healthchecks in the practice.
There is no NHS provision for chiropody for non-diabetic people. Podiatry referrals can be made for patients with foot problems. AGE UK West Cumbria can provide a list of chiropodists who are able to provide a toe nail cutting service. Please contact their service manager  Anne Stoddart on 08443 843 843.