This year we are having to do our ‘flu clinics very differently to allow for the restrictions placed upon us by COVID19.
Unfortunately we cannot run the usual sociable sessions in community venues nor offer refreshments and the chance to stop and chat.
‘Flu vaccination clinics will be running on Saturdays from the end of September.
Patients who usually attend our ‘flu clinics or routinely have vaccinations annually will be given timed appointments and the details about attending will be on letters which are being sent out (or handed out/delivered with prescriptions).
These sessions will use a one way system through the building and rely on patients attending only at the time they have been given.
Please do not turn up unless you have been given a time slot. These are not drop-in clinics.
If you do not usually have an influenza vaccination but you would like one this year and you qualify for a free NHS ‘flu vaccination, please get in touch and register your interest so that we can make a suitable appointment for you.
Not all clinic details have been finalised, so please do not worry if you have not yet heard from us.
In line with national guidance, please note that people in the 50-64 year old age group will not be vaccinated until November-December, providing there is sufficient vaccine, and no appointments will be offered to the age group until then. This is to ensure that those who are most at risk are vaccinated first. If you are 50-64 and you are in one of the other groups which is eligible for the flu vaccination, for example you have a health conditions which puts you at risk from the ‘flu, you will be invited earlier.