
As life begins to return to something more like the normal we were used to before the pandemic, we are adapting the appointment system at the practice.

We will be reintroducing some face to face appointments. However we we will not be returning to running any form of “drop in” urgent surgery. Please help our receptionists to allocate the most appropriate appointment for your needs by answering any questions they ask you. The doctors have asked them to ascertain the reason for your consultation. They will then book you in to the most suitable appointment slot – this may initially be a telephone consultation.

Thank you for your co-operation with this triaging process.

Please be aware that when you come to the surgery, if the waiting room has more than 4 patients in you will be asked to stand outside so that we can maintain safe social distancing in the building. For this reason we ask that unless there is an essential need for assistance, patients attend alone.

Thank you for your patience with us as we all adapt to new ways of working safely in the practice.