Keswick & Solway Primary Care Network
Spring Boosters at Wigton Hospital·
From Wednesday 23rd March, GP practices will be inviting all patients aged over 75 years old and those who are clinically immunosuppressed, to book their spring booster appointment.
If we have your mobile number on your medical record, you will receive an text invitation by text message with a link for you to book an appointment at Wigton Hospital.·
It is important that the GP telephone lines are available for patients who need urgent medical attention so please do not ring our receptionists about these vaccine appoitnments; dedicated practice staff will contact any patients who we do not hold a mobile number for.
Please note the appointment system for the spring boosters will not go live until Wednesday 23rd March. If you cannot wait for us to contact you directly, you can ring the national vaccine service on 119 to book an appointment – but this will be for a different vaccination site in Cumbria, not Wigton hospital.·
For eligible patients, at least 3 months must have elapsed between your last Covid vaccination (and if you have had a covid positive test you need to wait at least 4 weeks) before having your spring booster.·
If you have elderly relatives who are eligible, please note that the GP practices will be vaccinating eligible patients in care homes and those who are housebound. However, if you can assist with getting your elderly housebound relative to the vaccine site, we would be very grateful, we do have wheel chairs and volunteers who can help you at the hospital.·
Due to parking issues please arrive on time, no more than 5 minutes before your appointment. Please note that if you are more than 30 minutes late your appointment will be cancelled. These clinics are NOT drop in clinics – they are appointment only.
We have 12 patients arriving every 10 minutes, so it is important that you stick to your appointment time to prevent queues. Any couples booked in on the same day only but at different times – please come together at one of your allocated appointment times.·
VERY IMPORTANT- if you cannot attend your appointment please cancel – this will allow another person to take that slot. Please DO NOT make multiple appointments with the national booking service and through the GP practices: it prevents others from getting an appointment. Book only one appointment.·
GP practices will not be chasing patients who do not attend their appointments; it will be the individual’s responsibility to arrange either an appointment through the GP practice or through 119.·
All boosters are currently of the Pfizer vaccine.·
Please do not telephone Wigton Hospital regarding booster appointments. These clinics are run by the GP practices, not the Hospital and the staff there do not have any access to the appointment booking system.
Thank you
Keswick & Solway Primary care Network