Telephone calls to the practice

Patients should be aware that all phone calls to the practice are now being recorded.

This is for the benefit of patients and staff and can be used for training and monitoring purposes.

The answerphone message is in the process of being updated to reflect this important change.

Catchment area

Please use the link to find a UK map with our catchment area highlighted.

You’ll need to click on the map once it’s loaded and from there you can zoom or use the search box to locate our patch.

We are actually a little more flexible with our patient locations and anyone inside the red line on our map below can register with us.

We are actively contacting patients outside this area to register with a surgery closer to them because our patient numbers are expanding noticeably, mostly due to new housing developments inside our area and because practices in nearby areas have also asked their “out-of-area” patients to register with a closer surgery.

We realise that this is a difficult move for patients who may have been with us for many years but the decision to review our list has been made with the best interests of ALL our patients in mind.

Prescriptions – important information for patients ordering medication regularly.

We are issuing more prescription items than ever before, to more patients than ever before – over nearly 700 items on some days.

In addition to this, many medication items are taking longer to reach us from our suppliers, we have less daily deliveries – and we do not have any extra storage space or room for additional dispensing staff.

Issuing and dispensing medications is a job that needs to be done carefully and should never be rushed.

Please help us by –

~ ordering in good time – allowing at least three working days – please do not ask us to rush items through

~ we would be grateful if patients would try and order all the items they need together rather than split their orders over several days

~check all your items carefully before leaving the surgery as it is easier to rectify queries while you are here.

~if someone else is collecting your order please be sure that they know what they are collecting.

Thank you for all your patience.

Surgery Closed date – advance notice

Please note that our next Protected Learning Time (PLT) date is Wednesday 15th November.

The surgery will be closed from 1pm on this date to allow staff to attend training sessions elsewhere.

Our phones will be answered by CHoC colleagues and we will reopen on Thursday 16th at 8am when normal business will be resumed.

Please use this advance notice to plan your medication orders and collections πŸ’Š

Thank you to our retiring PPG Members

At our ‘flu clinic earlier this month we took the opportunity to present “thank you” roses to Mrs Mary Little, Mr Rodney Mostyn and Mr George Hill.
They have all recently retired from their voluntary roles with the Patient Participation Group having served the practice since the group was set up in March 2006.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Walking for Health

October – December 2023 Ramblers Wellbeing Walks (Cumbria) .

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks are led by trained Walk Leaders across the County, and provide a great opportunity not only to improve your health through regular walking but also to explore your local area whilst meeting new people.

Walks aim to be suitable for people of all ages and abilities and our leaders will ensure that you walk at a pace that you find comfortable.

Cumberland Council

Patient Feedback – September 2023

😁Thanks once again to all the patients who took the time to reply to our friends and family feedback questionnaire after their appointments.

Shingles Vaccination

We have over 50 patients aged 70-80 and who are eligible for their shingles vaccination.

Please ring us to make an appointment with one of the nurses for this immunisation. 01697351207

Shingles vaccine – NHS (

COVID tests update

Who can get a free NHS COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test (LFT)??

NHS COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests are no longer free for most people.

You may still be able to get free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests from the NHS if you have a health condition which means you’re eligible for COVID-19 treatment.

The NHS offers COVID-19 treatment to people with COVID-19 who are at risk of becoming seriously ill.

Rapid lateral flow device (LFD) tests are currently available to order by these patients on GOV.UK or by calling 119 for delivery directly to the patient’s home.

This is changing.

From 6 November 2023, LFD tests will no longer be available via GOV.UK or via 119.

LFD tests still need to be available and easily accessible to people who are potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments. These patients should have tests available to access in advance of developing symptoms.

This will be via a walk-in service where patients/patients’ representatives can collect one box of five LFD tests from a participating community pharmacy, on confirmation that the patient is part of the cohort which is potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments.

Inspection by CQC

πŸ“ˆWe will shortly be having an inspection by CQC (Care Quality Commission)

πŸ—“They are keen to include as much patient feedback as possible through this assessment process, so we would invite patients to use the following link where they can share their experiences of our service with the inspector.,